This is a public post on instagram; the author of the post is a self-identified black woman and has openly given permission for people to share her post.
"I keep seeing “no justice, no peace”. There’s also no peace without justice.
I cannot count the number of times these micro-aggressions have been twisted into “jokes”. Nor can I articulate how hard it is to thinj you’re the only person hearing them, or that you don’t have a voice because your life is seemingly “perfect”.
I’ve thought, “well other people have it worse” or “there are numerous incidents in which being black is the reason why an innocent life is taken.” While this is true, it does not diminish my experience as a black person in America.
For those of you posting & saying you want to be educated, here’s a lesson.
'This little girl ( the author herself speaking in a third-person voice) grew up surrounded by white people. She never thought about race because she didn’t think she had to. Her friends would ask to touch her natural hair and she’d say “yes”/ But then she would go home and cry and tell her mom she needs to straighten her hair for school tomorrow. Her classmates would tell her “you talk like a white girl”, and she’d laugh and let them call her an “Oreo”. But then she’d go home and think to herself why can’t I be black and smart without being told I. trying to be white? Aren’t black people smart too?”
Her coaches would attribute her athletic ability to being a “freak of nature” or a “beast”, but her white teammates would be “hard workers” and “smart players”. And so she’d think again, am I not working hard enough? Am I not smart too?
This list of examples goes on.---Are these instances life threatening? No. But is this a burden a child should carry? Absolutely not.
People are throwing posts around claiming they want to be better, they want to learn, they want to understand. So I am going to hold you ALL to that. These comments aren’t funny. Racism is more than just outward violence. If you want to help, start here. "